Microsoft CRM Sustained Engineering plans to release Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Update Rollup 2 Monday, June 25th. Update Rollup 2 is a well tested, cumulative set of updates for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 3.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook 3.0, including performance enhancements, which are packaged together for easy deployment.
Comprehensive information about this release will be available via the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 927751, which will be simultaneously published with the Rollup packages on the Microsoft Download Center. When published, the Update Rollup 2 packages will be available via
This update rollup includes packages for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server and Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook 3.0 to maintain parity between the client and server components of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0.
Credits - Matt HTH - DJ
.NET architecture, programming tips and tricks around Microsoft technology stack - Azure, WCF Services, SQL and strategy work.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
How to convert a structure/object/string into XML in .net and reverse?
How to convert a structure/object/string into XML in .net and reverse?
Check this -
HTH - Dipesh
Check this -
HTH - Dipesh
How to get name value from a CRM lookup - Primary Field/ Primary value diff?!
How to get name value from a lookup in CRM table?
if you have a lookup (foreign key) in your CRM table you can easily access its GUID but what if you want to get its name associated?
You may probably think that you may have to goto the parent table and pull name column value. Well, thats true but the easier way is to just append the name to the attribute in the referential table.
Example -
Guest (Primary table), has columns (GuestID, Name)
Reservations (Referential/child table), has columns (ResID, ResDate, .... GuestID(fkey/lookup type)
When you access Resrevations you can directly get GuestID (GUID) AND Guest Name (appending name) through the entity exposed by the CRM web service.
Check this -

More background on why this is or how this is check the Understanding CRM Metadata: PrimaryKey and PrimaryField article by MSCRM. Thanks - Dipesh
if you have a lookup (foreign key) in your CRM table you can easily access its GUID but what if you want to get its name associated?
You may probably think that you may have to goto the parent table and pull name column value. Well, thats true but the easier way is to just append the name to the attribute in the referential table.
Example -
Guest (Primary table), has columns (GuestID, Name)
Reservations (Referential/child table), has columns (ResID, ResDate, .... GuestID(fkey/lookup type)
When you access Resrevations you can directly get GuestID (GUID) AND Guest Name (appending name) through the entity exposed by the CRM web service.
Check this -
More background on why this is or how this is check the Understanding CRM Metadata: PrimaryKey and PrimaryField article by MSCRM. Thanks - Dipesh
One liner - (Tips and Tricks) String pattern matching - RegEx()
Most of you know but sometimes we keep wondering best ways to do this. RegEx is the solution in .net for any type of string matching pattern.
More details on RegEx visit -
RegEx is part of System.Text.RegularExpressions Namespace
How to verify if an email is valid in .net?
Trick -
bool IsValidEmail(string strIn)
// Return true if strIn is in valid e-mail format.
return Regex.IsMatch(strIn, @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$");
How to remove/strip invalid characters from a string using RegEx in .net?
Trick -
String CleanInput(string strIn)
// Replace invalid characters with empty strings.
return Regex.Replace(strIn, @"[^\w\.@-]", "");
How to check if a particular character within a string is alphabet/char or alphanumeric or hexa?
Trick (alpha) - (checks if first char is alphabet)
return Regex.IsMatch(yourString.Substring(0,1), @"[a-zA-Z]");
HTH - Dipesh
More details on RegEx visit -
RegEx is part of System.Text.RegularExpressions Namespace
How to verify if an email is valid in .net?
Trick -
bool IsValidEmail(string strIn)
// Return true if strIn is in valid e-mail format.
return Regex.IsMatch(strIn, @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$");
How to remove/strip invalid characters from a string using RegEx in .net?
Trick -
String CleanInput(string strIn)
// Replace invalid characters with empty strings.
return Regex.Replace(strIn, @"[^\w\.@-]", "");
How to check if a particular character within a string is alphabet/char or alphanumeric or hexa?
Trick (alpha) - (checks if first char is alphabet)
return Regex.IsMatch(yourString.Substring(0,1), @"[a-zA-Z]");
HTH - Dipesh
Sunday, June 17, 2007
E-bay to go....
E-bay all set to have ebay to go! You can have search results for any of your fav. items and copy the code on ur website and get paid :) So now someone can browse ebay site from outside world too :) Cheers - Dipesh
You tube launches online editing tool to mix video clips with images and music...
"You tube" launches online editing tool that allows users to mix video clips with images and music... way to go!
This is piggybacked upon the tool that Adobe developed. Yahoo has already implemented this! Check out urself by remixing videos on Cheers - Dipesh @ Jun 17th 2007
This is piggybacked upon the tool that Adobe developed. Yahoo has already implemented this! Check out urself by remixing videos on Cheers - Dipesh @ Jun 17th 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Microsoft Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) webcasts...
Check the upcoming Microsoft webcasts on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -
SOA Overview
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
Learn how the Microsoft Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) vision and technology can help you realize a more agile and connected enterprise by using an IT infrastructure that can help streamline business processes, increase customer responsiveness, and improve interactions with key partners.
Presenters: Kris Horrocks and Yumay Chang, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Messaging & Communications
Friday, June 15, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
Applications commonly communicate with other applications, both inside and outside the organization. Modern applications also must often fit into a service-oriented architecture (SOA), exposing some of their functionality as interoperable services accessible by other software. Achieving these goals requires support for service-oriented applications to communicate with other services.
In this session we’ll share with you the technology Microsoft provides to build web services that support the latest WS-* standards endorsed by all major vendors. In addition, we’ll tie it in with the previous discussion around Software Factories and show how Microsoft supports rapid development of these services through tooling support.
Presenters: Steve Swartz and Don Smith, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Business Process & Workflow
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
In this session we will discuss the Business Process and Workflow capabilities necessary in service oriented architecture and provide guidance for selecting the most appropriate technology from Microsoft’s portfolio. We will discuss the requirements for service composition in client applications, composite services, service intermediaries, and line of business applications. In addition, we will examine the differences between general purpose workflow platforms, domain specific workflow products, and cross organization business process concerns.
Presenters: Kris Horrocks, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Tools & Modelling
Friday, June 22, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
The advance in tooling has allowed business to drive down the cost of development by over 100% in the last 10 years. However, in the same period of time the number of successful projects has not increased significantly. In fact it has consistently run at right around 30% of projects are deemed successful. Software development, as currently practiced, is slow, expensive and error prone, often yielding products with large numbers of defects, causing serious problems of usability, reliability, performance, security and other qualities of service.
This talk addresses how to identify typical customer pains in software development and shows how Microsoft tools offer a solution that enables collaboration across the extended team of project managers, architects, developers, testers, and business stakeholders and allows new solutions to be developed faster, cheaper and better though industrialization of software development.
Presenters: Erik Gunvaldson, Don Smith, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop Series: Enterprise Service Bus
Friday, June 29, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
This webcast explores the service oriented capabilities necessary to support mediated service communication and our guidance for implementing an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) on the Microsoft platform. In addition, we will discuss the increasing need for broadly available service bus capabilities beyond the edges of the enterprise.
Presenter: Kris Horrocks, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop for Architects: Identity and Access
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
The main reason that identity is now such a hot topic is based upon the fact that there is more opportunity to connect. High bandwidth communications via the Internet are now almost ubiquitous and span a broad range of scenario within organizations, between organizations, at home and elsewhere This has resulted in a rapid increase in the adoption of products and services available via the internet, and many of these services require some form of user authentication, but with the proliferation of phishing schemes there is no safe way to say who you are on the internet.
In this session we will show you Microsoft’s solution on identity and access can addresses these common concerns presented by the web, and how through identity federation a user can access services that require a different set of credentials in a transparent fashion.
Presenter: Kim Cameron, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop for Architects: Governance and Management
Friday, July 13, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
As companies grow, their IT infrastructures grow along with them. But more often than not, the pace of that growth is uneven. As applications, functionalities and people are added across the board at various points in time, the complexity of the enterprise multiplies and the harder it can be to manage and, more importantly, to keep secure.
A dynamic system is Microsoft’s vision for what an agile business looks like—where IT works closely with business in order to meet the demands of a rapidly changing and adaptable environment. Come hear about Microsoft’s technology strategy for products and solutions that help businesses enhance the dynamic capability of its people, process, and IT infrastructure using technology.
Presenter: Jeff Johnson, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Credits - Lisa McIntosh, Regards - Dj
SOA Overview
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
Learn how the Microsoft Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) vision and technology can help you realize a more agile and connected enterprise by using an IT infrastructure that can help streamline business processes, increase customer responsiveness, and improve interactions with key partners.
Presenters: Kris Horrocks and Yumay Chang, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Messaging & Communications
Friday, June 15, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
Applications commonly communicate with other applications, both inside and outside the organization. Modern applications also must often fit into a service-oriented architecture (SOA), exposing some of their functionality as interoperable services accessible by other software. Achieving these goals requires support for service-oriented applications to communicate with other services.
In this session we’ll share with you the technology Microsoft provides to build web services that support the latest WS-* standards endorsed by all major vendors. In addition, we’ll tie it in with the previous discussion around Software Factories and show how Microsoft supports rapid development of these services through tooling support.
Presenters: Steve Swartz and Don Smith, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Business Process & Workflow
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
In this session we will discuss the Business Process and Workflow capabilities necessary in service oriented architecture and provide guidance for selecting the most appropriate technology from Microsoft’s portfolio. We will discuss the requirements for service composition in client applications, composite services, service intermediaries, and line of business applications. In addition, we will examine the differences between general purpose workflow platforms, domain specific workflow products, and cross organization business process concerns.
Presenters: Kris Horrocks, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Tools & Modelling
Friday, June 22, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
The advance in tooling has allowed business to drive down the cost of development by over 100% in the last 10 years. However, in the same period of time the number of successful projects has not increased significantly. In fact it has consistently run at right around 30% of projects are deemed successful. Software development, as currently practiced, is slow, expensive and error prone, often yielding products with large numbers of defects, causing serious problems of usability, reliability, performance, security and other qualities of service.
This talk addresses how to identify typical customer pains in software development and shows how Microsoft tools offer a solution that enables collaboration across the extended team of project managers, architects, developers, testers, and business stakeholders and allows new solutions to be developed faster, cheaper and better though industrialization of software development.
Presenters: Erik Gunvaldson, Don Smith, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop Series: Enterprise Service Bus
Friday, June 29, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
This webcast explores the service oriented capabilities necessary to support mediated service communication and our guidance for implementing an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) on the Microsoft platform. In addition, we will discuss the increasing need for broadly available service bus capabilities beyond the edges of the enterprise.
Presenter: Kris Horrocks, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop for Architects: Identity and Access
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
The main reason that identity is now such a hot topic is based upon the fact that there is more opportunity to connect. High bandwidth communications via the Internet are now almost ubiquitous and span a broad range of scenario within organizations, between organizations, at home and elsewhere This has resulted in a rapid increase in the adoption of products and services available via the internet, and many of these services require some form of user authentication, but with the proliferation of phishing schemes there is no safe way to say who you are on the internet.
In this session we will show you Microsoft’s solution on identity and access can addresses these common concerns presented by the web, and how through identity federation a user can access services that require a different set of credentials in a transparent fashion.
Presenter: Kim Cameron, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
SOA Workshop for Architects: Governance and Management
Friday, July 13, 2007
8:00am (GMT-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada),
Language: English-American
As companies grow, their IT infrastructures grow along with them. But more often than not, the pace of that growth is uneven. As applications, functionalities and people are added across the board at various points in time, the complexity of the enterprise multiplies and the harder it can be to manage and, more importantly, to keep secure.
A dynamic system is Microsoft’s vision for what an agile business looks like—where IT works closely with business in order to meet the demands of a rapidly changing and adaptable environment. Come hear about Microsoft’s technology strategy for products and solutions that help businesses enhance the dynamic capability of its people, process, and IT infrastructure using technology.
Presenter: Jeff Johnson, Microsoft Corporation
To register and join this webcast:
1. Click on (or enter in your browser) the address of the registration page:
Credits - Lisa McIntosh, Regards - Dj
Friday, June 08, 2007
Online word processor, site monitoring, online sheet and more with Zoho notebook...
Hello All - Need an Online word processor, 24x7 site monitoring, online word sheet without downloading any software ... check Zoho notebook...
I saw this demo of Zoho Notebook... thought of sharing this with you all, must watch video:
Zoho has huge online stable products like:
- Zoho On-Demand CRM Solution (good one, i liked the idea :)
- Zoho Online Word processor (no download)
- Zoho 24x7 site monitoring
- Zoho Wiki too!
Check out more if you are interested in buying their products at ... Sounds more like my manager Sooho :”)
Cheers, happy weekend – Dipesh
I saw this demo of Zoho Notebook... thought of sharing this with you all, must watch video:
Zoho has huge online stable products like:
- Zoho On-Demand CRM Solution (good one, i liked the idea :)
- Zoho Online Word processor (no download)
- Zoho 24x7 site monitoring
- Zoho Wiki too!
Check out more if you are interested in buying their products at ... Sounds more like my manager Sooho :”)
Cheers, happy weekend – Dipesh
Online word processor, site monitoring, online sheet and more with Zoho notebook...
Hello All - I saw this demo of Zoho Notebook... thought of sharing this with you all, must watch video:
Zoho has huge online stable products like:
- Zoho On-Demand CRM Solution (good one, i liked the idea :)
- Zoho Online Word processor (no download)
- Zoho 24x7 site monitoring
- Zoho Wiki too!
Check out more if you are interested in buying their products at ... Sounds more like my manager Sooho :”)
Cheers, happy weekend – Dipesh
Zoho has huge online stable products like:
- Zoho On-Demand CRM Solution (good one, i liked the idea :)
- Zoho Online Word processor (no download)
- Zoho 24x7 site monitoring
- Zoho Wiki too!
Check out more if you are interested in buying their products at ... Sounds more like my manager Sooho :”)
Cheers, happy weekend – Dipesh
Georgian to Julian date - C#
How do i convert from Georgian date to Julian Date in .net 2.0 - C#?
Very simple..... but thought of sharing this because i got confused myself for a second.
btw, quick intro Georgian dates are the one's that we normally use in our day to day life - mm/dd/yyyy format or similar. Julian dates are more like numbers that we find in Excel kind of tools. I came across this when i had a requirement where one of the web service was expecting Julian kind of format. So to cut the crap... this one line of code helps you to convert from Georgian date format to Julian in .net -
private static string GetJDate(DateTime gdate)
// Georgian date - "06/07/2007" Julian date - "39240";
return gDate.ToOADate().ToString();
Cheerio - Dipesh Joshi
Coming soon - Please spare some time to check my videos soon on YouTube and Google videos :) (I will update this post)
Very simple..... but thought of sharing this because i got confused myself for a second.
btw, quick intro Georgian dates are the one's that we normally use in our day to day life - mm/dd/yyyy format or similar. Julian dates are more like numbers that we find in Excel kind of tools. I came across this when i had a requirement where one of the web service was expecting Julian kind of format. So to cut the crap... this one line of code helps you to convert from Georgian date format to Julian in .net -
private static string GetJDate(DateTime gdate)
// Georgian date - "06/07/2007" Julian date - "39240";
return gDate.ToOADate().ToString();
Cheerio - Dipesh Joshi
Coming soon - Please spare some time to check my videos soon on YouTube and Google videos :) (I will update this post)
MS Dynamics CRM 3.0 - Exchange Server 2007
If you are looking out for an update to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0-Exchange E-mail Router this link below provides you support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
Cheers - Dipesh
Cheers - Dipesh
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Google Gears... Get your applications working even when offline!
You can now make your web applications work offline! So, you don't need internet to get connected? Partially true....
Check this simple application (install google gears first) -
Check the tutorial here -
Check the architecture here -
Message here is clear - "Google" wants to have a solid client footprint...
Get's interesting.. is it? :) Cheers - Dipesh
Check this simple application (install google gears first) -
Check the tutorial here -
Check the architecture here -
Message here is clear - "Google" wants to have a solid client footprint...
Get's interesting.. is it? :) Cheers - Dipesh
Google, to partner on Web site and Google are expected to launch a combined Web site today (dated June 5th 2007) that is designed to allow the online customer relationship management software maker to act as a reseller for Google's AdWords.
So Google allows you to insert ads into your video stream now (it's already in beta!). The customers that want their ads published will be maintained in this online CRM tool developed by This will be mostly targeted to small and mid companies. Check the news here -
Cheers - Dipesh
So Google allows you to insert ads into your video stream now (it's already in beta!). The customers that want their ads published will be maintained in this online CRM tool developed by This will be mostly targeted to small and mid companies. Check the news here -
Cheers - Dipesh
Friday, June 01, 2007
CRM "object type" code changes for different environments...
Did you know that the CRM entity "object type" code changes for different environments in QA and development. I didn't know that but Gaurav posted this question to the community to see if there was a way by which we can sync up these object types in development and QA.
Unfortunately, there is NO straight way to keep them in sync! However, you can use the metadata webservice to retrieve the correct objecttypeid for a particular entity. Check CRM SDK or let me know if you need the code. Thanks - Dipesh
Unfortunately, there is NO straight way to keep them in sync! However, you can use the metadata webservice to retrieve the correct objecttypeid for a particular entity. Check CRM SDK or let me know if you need the code. Thanks - Dipesh
CRM insert issue "Unable to connect to the remote server " ...force sleep
Hello – I was almost pulling out my hair with this CRM insert issue "Unable to connect to the remote server "… :)
I have written a small console based utility in net 2.0 … which tries to insert 7000 odd records (custom entity property records) into CRM. I am using CRM webservice to do this.
However, before inserting into CRM I am checking if property record already exists in CRM database or not. I am using "RetrieveMultiple" to search a particular property record and accordingly insert or update one in CRM.
Everything works fine if I run the utility from my computer (client computer) to populate the CRM Dev database but when I try to run this utility from the Dev server itself (through remote desktop connection) after loading 3000 odd records it keeps on failing at RetrieveMultiple() statement. The exception it shows is as below -
Error: --- > Unable to connect to the remote server
Stack Trace: ----- > at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at MS.Data.CrmWebService.CrmService.Create(BusinessEntity entity)
at MS.Integration.RIM.Program.PopulatePropertyEntity(CrmService crmService, Ratings retFR_Mobil)
Initially, I thought this would be occurring because of bad data but I figured that if I rerun the utility to start from 2999 again then it works fine again and stops randomly after loading 1000 odd records or so again.
So I was pretty confident that this may NOT be because of bad data! It also ran from my machine just fine.
So the question was "Does the CRM web service time out after few inserts"
Does CRM have limitations while inserting records quickly?
Solution - I tried doing a force sleep for 30 secs and it worked fine. For you if this doesn't work then try these steps -
This may also be caused by the number of ports available in IIS - every create method will be creating a new connection to the server, and after a certain period, all the available ports are used up and no new connections can be made.
I recommend looking at the article here on Performance [1] and setting the UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing on the CrmService to true. This *should* then only create one connection and re-use it for all your data inserts.
Credits to Rich for psting me on this. Rich you are the man! :)
HTH - Dipesh
I have written a small console based utility in net 2.0 … which tries to insert 7000 odd records (custom entity property records) into CRM. I am using CRM webservice to do this.
However, before inserting into CRM I am checking if property record already exists in CRM database or not. I am using "RetrieveMultiple" to search a particular property record and accordingly insert or update one in CRM.
Everything works fine if I run the utility from my computer (client computer) to populate the CRM Dev database but when I try to run this utility from the Dev server itself (through remote desktop connection) after loading 3000 odd records it keeps on failing at RetrieveMultiple() statement. The exception it shows is as below -
Error: --- > Unable to connect to the remote server
Stack Trace: ----- > at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at MS.Data.CrmWebService.CrmService.Create(BusinessEntity entity)
at MS.Integration.RIM.Program.PopulatePropertyEntity(CrmService crmService, Ratings retFR_Mobil)
Initially, I thought this would be occurring because of bad data but I figured that if I rerun the utility to start from 2999 again then it works fine again and stops randomly after loading 1000 odd records or so again.
So I was pretty confident that this may NOT be because of bad data! It also ran from my machine just fine.
So the question was "Does the CRM web service time out after few inserts"
Does CRM have limitations while inserting records quickly?
Solution - I tried doing a force sleep for 30 secs and it worked fine. For you if this doesn't work then try these steps -
This may also be caused by the number of ports available in IIS - every create method will be creating a new connection to the server, and after a certain period, all the available ports are used up and no new connections can be made.
I recommend looking at the article here on Performance [1] and setting the UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing on the CrmService to true. This *should* then only create one connection and re-use it for all your data inserts.
Credits to Rich for psting me on this. Rich you are the man! :)
HTH - Dipesh
Some more videos on Surface technology...
Some more videos on Surface technology... check the Touchtable video
Interesting demo on Surface on Channel 10
I liked this... this is evolutionary i think :)
Waiting this winter 2007 to learn more...
Cheers - Dipesh Joshi
Interesting demo on Surface on Channel 10
I liked this... this is evolutionary i think :)
Waiting this winter 2007 to learn more...
Cheers - Dipesh Joshi
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