Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Accenture Quarterly results - 4th quarter

Accenture triggered 5% on the stocks today just before the announcement of its 4th quarter results. Accenture PLC's (ACN) fiscal fourth-quarter earnings jumped 37% as the consulting company reported strong bookings.

For the quarter ended August 31, company posted a profit of $611.9 million, or 91 cents a share, up from $445.5 million, or 66 cents a share, a year earlier beating market expectations of 88 cents a share in profit.
Accenture's revenue increased 23% to $7.17 billion. Net revenue, which is before reimbursements, also rose 23%, to $6.69 billion. In June, the company gave an upbeat net-revenue outlook of $6.4 billion to $6.6 billion. Operating margin rose to 13.8% from 13.2%.

Here is an overview-

-- Fourth-quarter revenues increase 23% in U.S. dollars and 14% in local currency, to $6.7 billion; quarterly EPS increase 38%, to $0.91; free cash flow is $1.2 billion --

-- For full year, revenues increase 18% in U.S. dollars and 15% in local currency, to $25.5 billion; EPS increase 28%, to $3.40; and free cash flow is $3.0 billion --

-- New bookings are $8.4 billion for fourth quarter and $28.8 billion for full year --

-- Company increases semi-annual cash dividend 50%, to 67.5 cents per share;

--Board of Directors approves $5 billion of additional share repurchase authority --

-- For fiscal year 2012, Accenture expects net revenue growth of 7% to 10% in local currency and EPS of $3.80 to $3.88, an increase of 12% to 14% --
New bookings were $8.4 billion, its highest quarterly bookings ever. Accenture's CEO Pierre Nanterme said the achievement reflected strong demand for Accenture's services, although he said the company is closely monitoring the economic environment.

I think also heard, that the people hire this year was over 70,000 along with GDN and the biggest book value was the Nokia deal this quarter.

Strongest Revenue growth seen as follows -
Resource Operating Group (18%), followed by PRODUCTS (16%), Financial Services (13%) and EMT (Electronics Media and Telecommunications) (13%) and Health Services OG (12%).

Also, Accenture’s total cash balance grew strong @ $5.7 billion, compared with $4.8 billion at Aug. 31, 2010.

Download PDF here - http://newsroom.accenture.com/article_download.cfm?article_id=5296

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to create Silverlight applications using Expression Studio - basics and fun learning

Learn how to create Silverlight applications using Expression Studio and to apply user interface design principles with the toolbox integrated course. Learn practical techniques to master creating Silverlight applications using Expression studio.


School learning and helpful for fun study projects -

- Dipesh Joshi

Sunday, September 25, 2011

WCF Interview questions and answers (reference only, uuber level)

The intent to draft this list of questions is for learning purpose only and at very high level understanding of WCF services. This is not a dump :)

Question 1: What is the difference WCF and Web services?
Answer: -
Web services can only be invoked by HTTP. While Service or a WCF component can be invoked by any protocol and any transport type. Second web services are not flexible. However, Services are flexible. If you make a new version of the service then you need to just expose a new end. Therefore, services are agile and which is a very practical approach looking at the current business trends.
Question 2: What are different bindings supported by WCF?
Answer: -
WCF includes predefined bindings. They cover most of bindings widely needed in day-to-day application. However, just incase you find that you need to define something custom WCF does not stop you. So let us try to understand what each binding provides.
BasicHttpBinding: - This binding is used when we need to use SOAP over HTTP. This binding can also be configured to be used as HTTPS. It can be also configured to send data in plain text or in optimized form like MTOM.
WsHttpBinding: - It is same like BasicHttpBinding. In short, it uses SOAP over HTTP. But with it also supports reliable message transfer, security and transaction. WS-Reliable Messaging, security with WS-Security, and transactions with WS-Atomic Transaction supports reliable message.
NetTcpBinding: - This binding sends binary-encoded SOAP, including support for reliable message transfer, security, and transactions, directly over TCP. The biggest disadvantage of NetTcpBinding is that both server and client should be also made in .NET language.
NetMsmqBinding: - This binding sends binary-encoded SOAP over MSMQ. This binding can only be used for WCF-to-WCF communication.
NetNamedPipesBinding:-Ths binding Sends binary-encoded SOAP over named pipes. This binding is only usable for WCF-to-WCF communication between processes on the same Windows-based machine.

Note: - An interprocess control (IPC) protocol is used for exchanging information between two applications, possibly running on different computers in a network. The difference between Named pipes and TCP is that named pipes have good performance in terms of communication with in processes. But when it comes to communicate across network TCP holds the best choice. So if you are using WCF to communicate with process it’s the best choice to use in terms for performance. Named pipes do not perform when the traffic is heavy as compared to TCPIP.

Question 3: What are the main components of WCF?
Answer: -
We need to define three main components in WCF:-
• Service class. • Hosting environment • End point

Question 4: What are the various ways of hosting a WCF service?
Answer: -
There are three major ways to host a WCF service:-
• Self-hosting the service in his own application domain. This we have already covered in the first section. The service comes in to existence when you create the object of Service Host class and the service closes when you call the Close of the Service Host class.
• Host in application domain or process provided by IIS Server.
• Host in Application domain and process provided by WAS (Windows Activation Service) Server.

Question 5: What is a service level message and transport level message?
Answer: -
You can log WCF message at two levels one is service level and the other is transport level. Service level:-In this the messages are logged as they enter the user code or leave the user code. Transport level: - In this the messages are logged as they are ready to be encoded / decoded. All transport level, infrastructure messages and also reliable messaging is logged. You specify the message levels in the diagnostics node as shown in the below code snippet.

Question 6: For which bindings are transport, message and mixed mode supported?
Answer: -
Below is a table which shows for which binding which mode is supported. We did not discuss the mixed mode. It’s nothing but combination of transport and mixed mode. For instance data encrypted and passed over WsHttp using HTTPS is a mixed mode of security. Encryption is nothing but message security and HTTPS is a transport mode. In a combination they form mixed mode.

Question 7: Which bindings in WCF support the message streaming?
Answer: -
Following bindings supports the streaming in WCF:
1. basicHttpBinding 2. netTcpBinding 3. netNamedPipeBinding

Question 8: What are the various ways of hosting a WCF Service?
Answer: - 1.IIS 2.Self Hosting 3.WAS (Windows Activation Service)

Question 9: What is the use of ServiceBehavior attribute in WCF ?
Answer: -
ServiceBehaviour attribute is used to specify the InstanceContextMode for the WCF Service class (This can be used to maintained a state of the service or a client too).

There are three instance Context Mode in the WFC PerSession : This is used to create a new instance for a service and the same instance is used for all method for a particular client. (eg: State can be maintained per session by declaring a variable) PerCall : This is used to create a new instance for every call from the client whether same client or different. (eg: No state can be maintained as every time a new instance of the service is created) Single : This is used to create only one instance of the service and the same instance is used for all the client request. (eg: Global state can be maintained but this will be applicable for all clients)

Question 10: How the concurrency mode is specified in WCF service?
Answer: - The concurrency mode is specified using the ServiceBehavior attribute on the class that implements the service. Ex. [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Single)] Public class ServiceClass : IServiceInterface{ //Implementation Code } There are 3 possible values of ConcurrencyMode enumeration Single Reentrant Multiple.

Question 11: hat the different transaction options ?

We can specify transaction in 3 ways in WCF:-
TransactionFlowOption.NotAllowed This is a default option. Using this option no transaction will be propagated across the binding. If any client attempts to call the WCF service in a transaction it will be ignored for this option. This option specifies that client can call this WCF service in a transaction. It’s not compulsory that the service needs to be called in a transaction. You can call without the transaction also. TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory This option specifies that client must call the WCF service in a transaction mode. If the WCF service is called without transaction, ‘FaultException’ will be raised.

Question 12: Wat are the advantages of hosting WCF Services in IIS as compared to self-hosting?
Answer: - There are two main advantages of using IIS over self-hosting:-

Automatic activation IIS provides automatic activation that means the service is not necessary to be running in advance. When any message is received by the service it then launches and fulfills the request. But in case of self hosting the service should always be running.
Process recycling If IIS finds that a service is not healthy that means if it has memory leaks etc, IIS recycles the process. Ok let us try to understand what is recycling in IIS process. For every browser instance, a worker process is spawned and the request is serviced. When the browser disconnects the worker, process stops and you loose all information. IIS also restarts the worker process. By default, the worker process is recycled at around 120 minutes. So why does IIS recycle. By restarting the worker process it ensures any bad code or memory leak do not cause issue to the whole system. In case of self-hosting both the above features, you will need to code yourself.

Question 13: What is trace listener?

Answer - ‘Tracelistener’ are objects that get tracing information from the trace class and they output the data to some medium. For instance you can see from the figure ‘TraceListener’ how it listens to the trace object and outputs the same to UI, File or a windows event log. There are three different types of ‘tracelistener’ first is the ‘defaulttracelistener’ (this outputs the data to UI), second is ‘textwritertracelistener’ (this outputs to a file) and the final one is ‘Eventlogtracelistener’ which outputs the same to a windows event log.

Question 14: What is service host factory in WCF?

1. Service host factory is the mechanism by which we can create the instances of service host dynamically as the request comes in.
2. This is useful when we need to implement the event handlers for opening and closing the service.
3. WCF provides ServiceFactory class for this purpose.

Question 15: What are the advantages of hosting WCF service in WAS?

Answer- WAS (Windows Activation Service) is a component of IIS 7.0. Following are few advantages : 1. We are not only limited to HTTP protocol. We can also use supported protocols like TCP, named pipes and MSMQ 2. No need to completely install IIS. We can only install WAS component and keep away the WebServer.

Question 16: In WCF which bindings supports the reliable session?

Answer- In WCF, following bindings supports the reliable session - 1. wsHttpBinding 2. wsDualHttpBinding 3. wsFederationHttpBinding 4. netTcpBinding

Reference - Prasham on dotnetfunda.com and Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation -- Chris and Denis Mulder – Apress 2007.

- DJ

Friday, September 23, 2011

Asp.net migration to Sharepoint

ASP.NET web developers who are moving to SharePoint site creation. This article will explain in detail how an ASP.NET webpage developed in Visual Studio can be converted into a SharePoint site. If there is a requirement for a website created in Visual Studio, just the old fashioned way with the code-behind logic and other layers like Data Access and Business Logic, to be converted into a SharePoint site, and still make it work the same way with the same code-behind, you are in the right place. The article here along with the code explains 3 core steps that will help you to transform your ASP.NET Web Application into a SharePoint site. Step1: Add a Web Deployment Project to your website solution that will create a single DLL for the website. This step will give us the code-behind DLL and other dependency DLLs for the website. Step2: Copy the bin folder items (DLLs) into the SharePoint site, and tweak the web configuration file of the SharePoint site to use the copied DLLs. Step3: Open your created SharePoint site in SharePoint Designer and import the web pages from our web application and link it to the appropriate DLLs. Code and detail step by step instructions on code project - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/sharepoint/ASPNET_to_Sharepoint.aspx There are more instructions @ http://aspnet2sp.codeplex.com/ http://weblogs.asp.net/bsimser/pages/spsmigration.aspx

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Build 2011 microsoft @ Anaheim

Build day 1 Key notes and Session videos here -

Speakers: Chris Jones , Steven Sinofsky , Antoine Leblonde , Mike Angiulo , Julie Larson-Green

Build day 2 Key notes and Session videos here -
Speakers: Scott Guthrie , Jeff Sandquist , John Shewchuk , Steve Ballmer , Jason Zander , Bryon Surace , Satya Nadella , Dan Fernandez

Covered topics include -
o Windows Server 8, Azure,
o Virtualization & Cloud
o Identity & secure access
o VS 2011 Developer Preview, Windows Azure SDK, Windows Azure Toolkit 1.5 available
• Application lifecycle management
• Visual Studio TFS on Azure as SAAS

Device + Cloud
• Advance debugging in windows azure - (ability to do performance profiling on code deployed)
• Feature: Find Matching Clones(find copies of source code)
o Alpha blending etc

Web and Mobile Reach - ASP.Net MVC 4 Preview
• Page Inspector/DOM Explorer/Source View
• Unification/Bunding feature, folder reference
• jQuery.Mobile.MVC
• Shipping jquery as part of ASP.Net/Visual Studio 11

Windows Server 8
• High availability built into win8
• Ability to move private network to cloud along with IP infrastructure
More on Channel9 videos here - http://channel9.msdn.com/events/BUILD/BUILD2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vipersmart with Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio for car application tracking and automation

Viper smart start with new Windows 8 and connected with Cloud/Azure - building live tracking applications and alert systems with Microsoft Visual Studio = good for police and justice departments :) http://www.viper.com/smartstart/ key note @ timeframe - 1:10 http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/BUILD/BUILD2011/KEY-0002

Project Management using new Visual Studio 2011 Rosyln

Project Management using new Visual Studio 2011 developer preview - raw notes from Build Session 2 - 1 Visual Team foundation server as a service instead of setting up servers 2 Sprint planning and tracking user stories, tasks 3 All productivity tools are now part of Visual studio 2011 4 jQuery bundled with Visual studio 5 Image editor - making game development interesting Also works with VS 2010 and onto the cloud. More here - http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/BUILD/BUILD2011/KEY-0002 Cheers -Dipesh

MSDeploy - How do I compare 2 websites sitting on different environments behaving differently?

Thinking how do I compare 2 websites sitting on different environments behaving differently and makes you scratch your head whats's going wrong? :)

Use MS Deploy to compare two web sites quickly and find the differences and help you troubleshoot - http://blogs.iis.net/msdeploy/archive/2008/02/02/using-ms-deploy-to-compare-sites-or-see-what-components-your-site-uses.aspx

Helps you also visualize and see the components that your web site uses.

Upload/download files from secured SSH FTP server

Upload or download files from secured SSH FTP server usign SharpSSH.

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in a remote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and secure communications over unsecured channels. The JSch library is a pure Java implementation of the SSH2 protocol suite; It contains many features such as port forwarding, X11 forwarding, secure file transfer and supports numerous cipher and MAC algorithms. JSch is licensed under BSD style license.

SSH ensures - secure download and user authentication with supported features like -
•Host key type: ssh-rsa and partial ssh-dss.
•Userauth: password, publickey (RSA)
•Generating RSA key pairs.

Download the demo project here on codeproject - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/sharpssh/sharpSsh_Demo.zip

More here - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/sharpssh.aspx

Monday, September 19, 2011

Build event for Microsoft 2011 - Keynotes, sessions and excerpts

Keynotes and sessions from Build event day1 -
Speakers: Chris Jones , Steven Sinofsky , Antoine Leblonde , Mike Angiulo , Julie Larson-Green

Keynotes and sessions from Build event day2 -


o Windows Server 8 and Azure
o Virtualization & Cloud
o VS 2011 Developer Preview, Windows Azure SDK, Windows Azure Toolkit 1.5 available
o Visual Studio TFS on Azure

Mobile Device + Cloud
• Advance debugging in windows azure - (ability to do performance profiling on code deployed)
• Find Matching Clones(find copies of source code)
• Alpha blending

Demo by Scott Gutherie - Web and Mobile Reach - ASP.Net MVC 4 Preview
• Page Inspector/DOM Explorer/Source View
• Unification/Bunding feature, folder reference
• Shipping jquery as part of ASP.NET/visual studio Roslyn - jQuery.Mobile.MVC
• WebSocket API exposed with .NET 4.5 that allows connection to websocket from anywhere

Web and Mobile Reach/Web TFS
• SaaS for TFS and Windows Server 8 infrastructure

Tools for building Metro style applications

Video on channel 9 as part of Build event for Microsoft 2011 here on tools to build Metro style applications quickly.


Platform for understanding Metro style apps here -

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Directory of companies that provide Cloud Computing Network Services & Products

Here is the exhaustive list of Cloud computing network services directory that details companies who have built enterprise solutions/software, platforms that are exposed to be consumed as services on Cloud.

Here on cloudbook -

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Windows 8 Preview download and steps on how to install the bits from ISO file.

Windows 8 Preview download here on MSDN -

How do I install the Windows Developer Preview from a disk image file?

How do I convert an html page to MHTML (Web Archive) format using .net code?

How do I convert an html page to MHTML (Web Archive) format using .net code?

MHTML format is the web archive option that bundles the web page and all of its references into a single compact .MHT file. It's a lot easier to distribute a single self-contained file than it is to distribute a HTML file with a subfolder full of image/CSS/Flash/XML files referenced by that HTML file.
If you are using a Document Management System to check HTML reports or something then you the system would expect only 1 file as INPUT. In that scenario, web archive options (MHTML) works well. Here is the code that can be referenced on codeplex that can help achieve this.


Friday, September 09, 2011

How to add diagnostics/troubleshooting for your applications hosted on Cloud/Azure?

Guide to implement Azure diagnostics simple yet powerful: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg433052.aspx


How to build Content management web sites quickly in days without spending much?

One of our client requested that they want to build an intranet CMS site in days without spending much? They were tighly constrained by budget and wanted someone to build them a quick CMS (Content Management Site) without spending much. The way to go was - Umbraco...we did it! :)

How? Watch a five minute introduction video -

Walkthrough detail tutorials and videos here -

Detailed free samples and code on codeplex -

Cheers - DJ

How to generate Word/Office documents from server side in .net - Aspose?

How to generate Word or any Microsoft Office documents from server side in .net without installing Office on the server?

Aspose is definitely a choice if you want to generate word documents server side without installing Microsoft Office. Aspose.Words for .NET is a class library for generating, converting and rendering word processing documents. Aspose.Words supports DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and other file formats.

Codeplex project contains free sample source code that shows how to use Aspose.Words for .NET in your document processing applications.

However Aspose.Words itself for .NET is NOT free and not open source product and
need to be purchased if you intend to develop with them. You can seek evaluation/trial version from their site- http://www.aspose.com/ where they have included few demo projects as well.

Here is the free open source code on codeplex -


How to generate barcode from string in SSRS reports and PDF?

I stumbled upon this great article which I would like to point to you if you are looking for a solution on how to generate barcodes (Code 39 and 128) in SQL server reports with 2008 R2. There seems to be an existing issue with Code 128 testing in PDF (10v) but works fine in SSRS/reports.

There are free tools like Z Barcode reader (iphone) but can be used for testing the generated bar code.
Barcode reader free test Tool -

Here is the article in detail - http://www.ssrstips.com/free-reporting-services-barcodes

Also find John's blog useful here - http://www.jtbarton.com/Barcodes/Code39.aspx
You can also download the code demo here: Reporting Services Free Barcodes Demo

Here is the knowledge base article as well that explains how to install font files on your machine for the barcodes to read correctly - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314960

Sweet, I am going to find some time to get my thumbs down on this pretty soon :) will share more learnings as I discover! - DJ

Monday, September 05, 2011

Windows Azure Pricing and related videos

Windows Azure Pricing Calculator and TCO: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/pricing-calculator/

Windows Azure Videos: http://channel9.msdn.com/Tags/azure

Lapping around SQL Azure - Migrating SQL server database to SQL Azure

Migrating SQL 2008 on premise/in network/local database to SQL Azure platform turns to be very straight forward and easy. Microsoft has done an excellent job in enabling developers to use SQL server management studio (SSMS) and Visual Studio 2010 tools for the migration effort.

Here are few helpful links that would help enable the SQL migration to Azure/cloud.

SQL Azure Videos: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlazure/videos.aspx SQL Azure
Tools and Labs: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlazure/tools-labs.aspx SQL Azure Migration
SQL server schema and data migration wizard (open source and free): http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/

Alternate options to migrate SQL schema and data is also - Writing SSIS packages